The Process of the Evaluation

The Process of the Evaluation

Dr. Tilluckdharry has a particular passion for evaluations and testing. She usually employs a comprehensive approach to her evaluations. While parents may come in with a particular question or concern in mind, all areas of functioning will be assessed, in addition to the areas of concern: academic, social, emotional, intellectual, and behavioral. Additional testing would also involve the assessment of cognitive and neuropsychological areas.

A child’s academic functioning does not exist as exclusive to his/her behaviours, or academic functioning. These areas often interact, and therefore collectively impact a child’s life at home, school, and in the community. Diagnostically, learning difficulties often coexist with other diagnosable medical, mental, or developmental conditions; and a thorough evaluation will facilitate appropriate recommendations and treatment planning for your child. 

A psychoeducational evaluation is conducted through the administration of a series of non-invasive activities and questionnaires, each specifically designed to assess and measure a particular area of functioning. Dr. Tilluckdharry strongly encourages all of the primary people in your child’s life to participate in the course of the evaluation. The activities and questionnaires will be used to gather information on current functioning. Each series of tests to be administered will be individualized to the needs of your child and the purpose of the evaluation. As such, the length of the evaluation will vary, but it should be noted that there will be a time commitment. Testing sessions are carded for Friday and Saturdays, to minimize the number of missed school days.

Before the first session:

·       A vision and hearing screening must have been conducted within 6 months of the evaluation. Please have supporting documentation. If glasses or hearing supports were recommended, these would need to be addressed before the evaluation.

·       A physical examination must have been conducted within 6 months of the evaluation. Please have supporting documentation.

·       Please gather all medical and academic screenings and documentation, inclusive of academic reports and school feedback, and prepare to bring this to the first session.

·       Depending on the schedule of the sessions established with Dr. Tilluckdharry, your sessions will either be full or half day. Please make arrangements to be physically present if your child is less than 13 years of age. If your child is older than 13 years, please have the office number, (407) 457-7821, in immediate phone contact.

·       Please pack snacks and/or lunch for the day’s session.

·       As applicable: Please adhere to the medication regimen as indicated by your provider (unless indicated specifically, by Dr. Tilluckdharry).

·       Comfortable clothing is encouraged; please bring a sweater, just in case.

The first session will involve a joint discussion with the parents only on:

·       Consent for the evaluation

·       Consultation with the child’s school, health care providers, or extra-curricular activities

·       The use of the direct school observation

·       Background information: family history, medical history, school history, and mental health history

·       If you require a letter that excuses your child from school, please inform Dr. Tilluckdharry, and she will be happy to provide this.

During the course of the evaluation:

·       Parents and teachers will be administered rating scales. Each individual will be required to complete the fill out the entire form, independently, and honestly.

·       A direct school observation will be conducted by Dr. Tilluckdharry before meeting with the child.

·       The following areas of functioning will be assessed: academic, social, emotional, intellectual and behavioral. Additional testing would also involve the assessment of cognitive and neuropsychological areas.

·       Depending on the needs of the evaluation, an in-office observation may also be warranted.

During the evaluative phase, unfortunately the results cannot be discussed or released as this could compromise the interpretative process. Once the testing process is complete, all information will be interpreted, integrated and drafted into a final report. A feedback session will then be scheduled with parents to discuss the results and recommendations. A final report will be made available to the parents only. Should you require school-based consultation to discuss the results, this can be easily facilitated.  

The evaluative process, while highly structured, becomes an enjoyable experience for many families. The final report becomes a valuable resource, and summary of your child’s development and skills to the point of the evaluation.

We look forward to working together for a complete evaluation.


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